Code Of Conduct

Commitment to Sustainability:

We are committed to integrating sustainability into our core business practices and decision making processes. We strive to minimise our environmental impact, promote social responsibility, and contribute to the wellbeing of communities.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations:

We comply with all applicable environmental, social, and governance laws, regulations, and standards. We conduct our sustainability initiatives in accordance with local, national, and international requirements.

Transparency and Accountability:

We are transparent in our communication about our sustainability goals, progress, and challenges. We hold ourselves accountable for our sustainability commitments and regularly report on our performance.

Stakeholder Engagement:

We engage and collaborate with stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and communities, to address sustainability challenges. We seek input and feedback from stakeholders to inform our sustainability strategies and decision-making.

Respect for Human Rights:

We respect and support the fundamental human rights of our employees, stakeholders, and communities in which we operate. We oppose any form of discrimination, harassment, child labour, forced labour, or human rights abuses.

Environmental Stewardship:

We strive to minimize our environmental footprint by promoting resource efficiency, waste reduction, and pollution prevention. We seek to conserve natural resources, protect biodiversity, and mitigate climate change impacts.

Ethical Business Practices:

We conduct our sustainability initiatives with integrity, honesty, and fairness. We avoid conflicts of interest, bribery, corruption, and unethical practices in all aspects of our sustainability efforts.

Supply Chain Responsibility:

We encourage our suppliers to adopt sustainable practices and adhere to the same principles outlined in this code of conduct. We work towards building a responsible and sustainable supply chain, promoting fair labor practices and environmental responsibility.

Continuous Improvement:

We strive for continuous improvement in our sustainability performance by setting targets, monitoring progress, and implementing corrective actions. We actively seek innovative solutions and best practices to enhance our sustainability efforts.

Compliance Reporting and Investigations:

We encourage employees and stakeholders to report any concerns or potential violations related to sustainability practices. We investigate reported concerns promptly, take appropriate actions, and maintain confidentiality and protection for those who report in good faith.

Training and Awareness:

We provide training and resources to our employees and stakeholders to enhance their understanding of sustainability principles, practices, and expectations. We promote awareness and education to foster a culture of sustainability throughout our organisation.